Eight effective ways to adjust to work after vacation
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Eight effective ways to adjust to work after vacation

Eight effective ways to adjust to work after vacation
Source:  online.ua

Adjusting to work after vacation is difficult for everyone. After all, this is a substantial stress for the body due to a sudden change in the daily routine. Guide Online has collected effective methods that will help you quickly and easily get involved in the work process, avoiding depression, stress and a decline in strength.

1. Get yourself in order

Photo: envato.com

Before going to work again, try to get a good night's sleep. Normalize your diet — instead of sweets and pastries containing many empty calories, switch to salads, fresh vegetables, fruits, and nuts. A healthy diet will make you more energetic, strengthen you and improve your mental abilities.

A few days before returning from vacation to the office, start walking more in the fresh air and, if possible, do physical exercises. You can also visit a massage parlour or swimming pool. Breathing exercises, which help to regain consciousness faster, will not be excessive.

2. Go to work in the middle of the week

If you can choose your vacation time, schedule it so that you return to work on Wednesday or Thursday. In this way, you will not have time to get very tired two or three days before the weekend and will have time to adapt to the environmental change.

If you are returning from a resort, try to leave a few days between your flight or arrival and leaving for work. This will allow you to rest and prepare for work.

3. Give yourself time to "roll up"

Photo: envato.com

In the first days after vacation, you don't need to tackle all the things in a row. First of all, this applies to those cases that require a high level of responsibility and concentration of attention. Also, try to avoid essential meetings and make deals.

Start with simple tasks: check your work mail, deal with the documentation received during your absence, and put your workplace in order. You should also not stay at work longer than the set time — this will not help to solve the accumulated tasks but will only increase fatigue and irritation.

4. Make a plan

For further work to be more productive, you should start by drawing up a plan of tasks that must be completed soon. They can be sorted into urgent and those that are of secondary importance and can wait. When making a plan, ask your colleagues what they managed to do while you were at work, what has changed in the office, and what tasks have been set for them by their superiors.

5. Remember why you love your job

Photo: envato.com

If you like your job but still struggle to concentrate on the work process after the vacation, try to find some of the most joyous moments related to your professional activity. It can be an exciting project that you successfully implemented, your colleagues with whom you always have something to talk about or even the friendly atmosphere in the office.

6. Drink coffee and green tea

To avoid feeling sleepy during the working day, start your morning with a cup of coffee. The caffeine contained in this drink is very refreshing and helps to concentrate. But you can't abuse coffee — it can lead to problems with the cardiovascular system. Green tea can be used as an alternative to coffee. Green tea contains amino acids that keep the body in good shape and give strength.

7. Periodically distract yourself from work

You don't need to look blank at your desk, especially if you just returned from vacation. Take a rule for yourself — you must take a break every one and a half to two hours. Visit colleagues from other departments, go outside to breathe fresh air, and warm up. Light physical activity will help you regain consciousness and get rid of drowsiness. Also, give your eyes a break from the computer monitor.

8. Do not forget about entertainment

Photo: envato.com

Being completely immersed in the work process is good. Still, forgetting everything except work from the first days after leaving the vacation will quickly lead to emotional burnout. If there is such an opportunity, go to a cafe, restaurant or cinema with friends. This will cheer you up and help you adapt to a new routine faster. Also, don't forget about your hobbies and interests.

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