Father's Day in Ukraine is a relatively modern holiday, there are a number of traditions in different families.
Father's Day: interesting facts about how it is celebrated in the world and in Ukraine
Father's Day is a holiday that first appeared in 1909 in the United States. Father's Day in Ukraine is a relatively modern holiday, there are a number of traditions in different families. They can range from a simple phone call or greeting card to large parties in honor of all the "parents" in the extended family. Parents can be fathers, stepfathers, fathers-in-law, grandparents and even other male relatives.
A few days before Father's Day, in many educational institutions, teachers help children prepare a card or a small gift for their parents. The holiday is celebrated around the world to recognise the contribution that parents make in the lives of their children. On this day, male fatherhood is celebrated. Although it is celebrated on different dates around the world, many countries celebrate the day on the third Sunday in June.
After the success of Mother's Day, this special day and its celebrations began to appear in the United States and around the world. However, the path to this holiday was not easy. How Father's Day is celebrated in different countries of the world:
The first recorded celebration of Father's Day took place after a mine disaster in West Virginia. In December 1907, as a result of a natural disaster, 361 people died and about a thousand children were left without parents. GG Clayton suggested that her pastor organize a day to honor all these parents. On July 5, 1908, the community gathered to honor the memory of the men who died in the mine accident;
Father's Day in France did not have an official status, but it is still celebrated on the third Sunday of June. Fun fact: In the early 1900s, the holiday saw a revival thanks to a clever marketing campaign by Flaminaire. They encouraged children to buy lighters as gifts for their parents, turning the holiday into a commercial success;
Father's Day in Germany, known as Vatertag or Herrenttag, is celebrated on a unique date. It falls on the 40th day after Easter, that is, on the Ascension of the Lord. Fancy dinners and sentimental Father's Day cards are not accepted here. This day is dedicated to male companionship and adventure;
Spanish children often spend the day with their dad, doing his favorite things, and also congratulate him with warm words. On March 19, Italy celebrates the holiday with lights, street parades and banquets. This culinary extravaganza includes mouth-watering delicacies — lasagna, pizza, and pasta, filling the air with irresistible aromas;
Father's Day in Brazil is close to the FIFA World Cup, often coinciding with the celebration. Brazilians have a deep passion for soccer, and this sporting event is the backdrop for Father's Day celebrations. Families gather to watch matches, support their favorite teams and enjoy the festive atmosphere. It is a time for unity with parents as well as close relatives;
Father's Day is celebrated in Thailand on the fifth of December. This date is when King Bhumibol Adulyadej, also known as the father of the nation, was born. Canna flowers hold a special place during this heartfelt holiday, symbolizing love, patience and sacrifice. Families give these flowers to parents as a sign of admiration, expressing gratitude for the parental role in the child's life;
Father's Day in Sweden is celebrated on the last Sunday of November, marking the beginning of the Christmas season, and involves treating parents and grandparents to special treats.
The celebration of Father's Day may vary by country. In some countries, it is a public holiday and families gather to celebrate with meals or activities such as sporting events. In other countries, it is a more private holiday that often involves giving gifts or cards to parents and grandparents.

Father's Day and how to choose a gift
When is Father's Day in Ukraine? This holiday became official quite recently, the corresponding decree was signed by the President of the country on May 18, 2019. According to tradition, the symbol of Father's Day is roses, which are worn near the heart, pinned to clothes on this day. Red flowers are worn if the father is alive, and white if he has left our world. In many states, all kinds of events are organized and funds are allocated, which are directed to the support of single parents who are not financially secure.
How to choose a gift for Father's Day, here it is important to consider some factors:
It is necessary to know the hobbies and interests of the father;
It is better to choose one gift of high quality;
Practical gifts are exactly what dad can appreciate, especially if the gift fits into everyday life;
Men are also very sentimental, so gifts that evoke pleasant memories are suitable for fathers;
Remember that the most important thing in a gift is not the price, but the care and attention of loved ones.
What to give for Father's Day, the choice is very diverse - a set of tools, quality clothes, gadgets, accessories for hunting, fishing or tourism, car accessories, a family photo shoot, concert tickets, a video clip from the past, and many other options, it all depends on your imagination You can congratulate Father's Day with warm words and poems.

Father's Day greetings in prose:
Dear dad! I congratulate you on Father's Day and wish you happiness, good health and that life is always full of joy. Be forever young and may fate always reward you for your efforts and work!
Being a good father is a responsible job, and you can handle it perfectly! You are my role model, my support and protection. Happy Father's Day, dear dad, be happy and always healthy
Happy Father's Day! I wish to always remain an example of courage, wisdom, confidence and strength. Being a father is a difficult task, I want to cope with it with all two hundred percent!
Dad! Happy Father's Day - your day! I wish you to always remain wise, strong, healthy and happy. Being a father is a serious and responsible job, perhaps the most responsible in a man's life. You cope with it one hundred percent, and for that I adore you! You raised me to be a worthy person! Thank you!
Poems for Father's Day:
Dad can do everything in the world:
And make a birdhouse,
Can drive a long nail,
Maybe you can cook delicious borscht,
He knows how to catch fish,
Give flowers to mom.
Frying kebabs in the forest
And read fairy tales to Marisa,
Launch snakes into the sky...
Dad can do everything in the world!
If only for my sister
He learned to weave braids!..
(T. Koroleva)
As from all over the world of dads
To collect all together,
And then ask me:
- Which is the dearest dad?
- My, - I will say without hesitation,
And then the truth will be pure,
As from a child's tear
Sparkling droplet.
You praise your dads
Magnify, - I don't care -
But for all the treasures in the world
I will not change mine.
(S. Gordienko)
Dad's love is like a summer day
It smells of sweat, bread, aphids...
You won't find one like this anywhere, -
Well, except in the palms of my mother
Dad's love is like a source
Clean, bright: I drink - and I don't get drunk.
There has never been such a thing in the world, -
Well, except in the eyes of my mother.
Dad's love is like copper
She is so sweet, I can't take it anymore.
Try, find another one somewhere, -
Well, except in the mother's heart.
Daddy's love is like an ocean
Where there is no bottom, no shore of the earth...
She really has no measure,
Because she, like her mother, is from God.
(Serhii Rachynets)
Happy Father's Day:
On Father's Day, let me remind you of my boundless love! I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart, my dear dad! And I wish you a clear sky, bright sun, good health and great success in everything! Let there be no gloomy days in your life! May everyone you love always be close to you! Let friends not betray, and enemies shun! Just live and don't get tired of sharing wisdom, strength and resilience!
You have always been an example for me, Dad. And on this day, I want to thank you - for strength, for courage, for protection. We live, we breathe and we are free thanks to your courage, thanks to the dedication of your sisters and brothers. I am proud to be your son and I will do anything to make you proud to be my father. I wish you a speedy victory and your return home - under a peaceful Ukrainian sky.
Dear daddy, dear man,
Every minute with you is precious,
I am so lucky to have you
May great success find you!
The work will be successful, respectable,
Friends in the house are good and real,
There will be great love in the heart,
And you will be an example for your grandchildren!
Years pass, but you, our dear dad, remain as young, loving and kind as before! For us, you will always be the most beloved in the world! Thank you for all the warmth you have given us for many years! We wish you happiness, health, well-being and remember - we are always by your side!