The Alpha generation children: who they are and how to raise them
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The Alpha generation children: who they are and how to raise them

The Alpha generation children: who they are and how to raise them

The children of the new Alpha generation have already grown up and are actively asserting themselves. Meanwhile, parents are thinking about how to raise them and build relationships properly. Guide The Guide e tells who they are — the Alpha generation сhildren and how to raise them correctly.

It seemed that everyone was only recently discussing the upbringing and problems of Generation Z. And now a new generation — Alpha — is taking place. These children are immersed in gadgets, have their own opinions, and look at the world differently.

What are the generations of children?


American scientists William Strauss and Neil Howe formulated their theory of generations. This theory can be interpreted as follows: each generation, born in a separate period, has its characteristic features. Different characteristics influence the formation of people's personalities: economy, politics, culture, technology, environment, etc.

This is how the generations are distributed according to the American theory:

  • 1963-1984 — Generation X

Generation X people work hard and respect family values. They want to provide their children financially to the maximum: to give them the best education, clothes, toys, an apartment, etc. The X's do not trust the state very much and rely only on their strength.

  • 1984-2000 — generation Y or millennials

This generation is considered pampered, and they notice a mania for greatness. They are less hardworking and are in no hurry to start a family and have children. Millennials value comfort a lot and don't like to take responsibility.

  • 2000-2010 — generation Z or buzzers

The X raised the Zetas, but surprisingly, they didn't care about material possessions. Sumerians are in no hurry to buy an apartment because it can be rented. They don't want to buy a car when they can use a taxi. Generation Z values the emotional state more than the material state. Therefore, the main components of life are meditation, spiritual practices, and regular sessions with psychologists.

The new generation of children born after 2010 is called Alpha. Who are they — the children of the new generation?

What does the Alpha generation mean?


Alpha is the first letter of the Greek alphabet. Therefore, it can be assumed that the new generation has to start with a "clean slate". Thus, the new generation of children is bright, creative, and harmonious individuals with freedom of choice and thought, easily making decisions and quickly implementing their ideas.

Children of the Alpha generation are very independent and always have their own opinions. It is simply impossible to force them to do something. If the Alpha child faces a specific task, she will complete it when she wants to — this also applies to homework, which is sometimes extremely difficult to get the child to do. The situation is the same with acquiring knowledge and experience: the child will learn this or that subject only when he realizes its necessity.

In addition, the new generation is predicted to lead to an actual technical boom. Most of today's children know how to use gadgets from the first years of life. Therefore, devices have long become a part of their reality. Pages in social networks, blogs on the latest platforms, paper books have long been replaced by electronic files, and textbooks for school have fit into a tablet - this is all the everyday life of an ordinary child of the new generation.

Features of Alpha children


  • Every child is talented

If it was customary to divide children into gifted and not-so-gifted earlier, then everything has changed with the Alpha generation. Every child is gifted. Finding what it is and helping him develop this talent is essential.

  • Tolerance and care for your emotional health

The trend of equality and tolerance was started by the children of the previous generation (Zumers), but the alphas will be able to improve it. They are cautious in their words about the people around them. Alphas treat their mental health with utmost care.

  • Minimum aggression and maximum respect

If the previous generations were used to solving problems with the help of shouts or physical force, the new one, on the contrary, is more calm and adequate. They will resolve all issues with only words and in a quiet tone.

How to raise children of the Alpha generation?


Parents usually raise children from Generation Y. They have different values and use outdated parenting methods. The rules that worked with children before do not work now. Psychologists talk about how to raise children "A" correctly.

The main rule is not to force. Children will certainly complete the task, but only when they want to do it themselves. Experts also recommend not to shout at the child or even raise your voice. Alpha children are very vulnerable and can resent their parents for a long time for this. It is better to talk to them calmly and rationally, explaining your point of view.

The rule "I am in charge" does not work with children of the new generation. They should be raised as equals, listen to all their wishes and be taught to form their point of view. We recommend parents spend more time with their children, pay attention to all spheres of life development, and build relationships based on the "Parent-Friend" principle.

Five interesting facts about Alpha's children


  1. Children of the new generation start earning money very early and will be able to support themselves fully, even at a young age.

  2. The new generation will learn multitasking well. It's easy to do lessons, watch TV series, and chat with friends via video link simultaneously.

  3. Alpha children do not plan to work at the same workplace and in the same field all the time. Young people will quickly change from one place of work to another, and if they get tired, they will soon start work in a new field.

  4. Children from the new generation easily perceive large volumes of information. What used to be studied for years can now be mastered in a few months.

  5. Alpha will take care of the planet and ecology. The X's and Millennials didn't pay much attention to the surrounding environment, and the Zoomers began to take the first steps to save the planet. Alphas will fully realize that they are responsible for the ecological state of the planet and will take the initiative to find new opportunities to preserve resources.

This is how they are, children of the Alpha generation: severe, tolerant, intelligent and progressive. Looking at what modern children should become, we can be calm because the future is in safe hands.

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